Us living our naked and personal truth.
In alignment with nature, deepening our strenght
and staying agile in all changes.​
Enjoying life while navigating it by the signals
of our body, our intuition and our heart.
I enjoy conducting trainings, supporting initiatives & projects about:
Natural Change | Connected Living
Nature Based & Heart Based living and working
Body Wisdom | Mindfulness
Currently I mostly work in the Netherlands.
We live in a time of great change that is tremendously fast-paced.
It increasingly challenges us to live our most authentic self in order to
feel connected, be meaningful and maybe even make an impact.
What has worked well until today, suddenly won't work tomorrow.
Relationships change, health changes, work changes, economy changes,
climate changes. And we have to keep reinventing ourselves.
New opportunities present themselves quickly and spontaneously,
but which ones are right for us? How to stay our course?
Let's slow down, take real good care of ourselves and our loved ones.
Make sure to relax and recharge, connect with nature, regain focus,
get creative, develop inner leadership, increase body awareness,
enhance coping, balance information overload.
Oh, and of course: Don't forget to have enjoy, play and have fun!
Warmly, Nicole
Facilitator for natural change & connected living
Learning Professional | Mindfulness trainer | Nature guide | Spaceholder