Liminality happened - life shifted me into change
Can you sense that nature hears you?
That she is aware of you? Because she does and she is.
Your thoughts, your movements, every emotion,
every struggle and every outpouring of love.
It is felt and it is registered by her.
Nature is the underlying intelligence of our world, of this universe.
Whether we know it or not, we all live by her principles.
She is loving, fierce, always changing and she is all about doing no harm.
Which can seem contradictive when things that need
to go, break down or leave us.
Nature is pure.
And in essence, so are you and I.
The great news is, we can live in aligment with her.
And if we do, it is the best connected feeling we can have.
It does not matter if you live off grid and grow all of your own food,
or if you live in the middle of a city.
We can all live connected to nature, wherever we are.
On this site you'll find Blogs & Talks on Connected Living
I hope they inspire you to keep moving towards nature.
Warmly, Nicole